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Breastfeeding Positions and Latch

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

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Just like every little kiddo sleeps differently, they have different eating needs as well. Finding a position that works for mom and baby is important. If baby latches but you can’t feel your arm it isn’t going to work out in the long run. Like wise, no matter how comfortable the pillows are for mom it might not feel right to baby. The trick is to maneuver through positions until you hit the sweet spot.

The above shows some great places to start. Utilize pillows, props, and anything you need once you’ve found something that works. Use your hand to introduce your nipple to their lips, if having trouble express milk around the nipple and this will entice baby. A new baby is normally a sleepy baby so this is going to be a little work at first. Remember to breath and try to relax it makes a big difference. Breastfeeding is unsettling and uncomfortable at first. The discomfort ranges but do not be alarmed. This is not fun but not abnormal. Discomfort

can come with engorgement, let down, and/or sensitive nipples. Engorgement is characterized by heavy full breast tissue. To reduce discomfort feed baby, pump, or attempt to manually express until comfortable. Let down is the milk entering the ducts ready to feed and the feeling gets more normal over time. Sore nipples can be just that, sore nipples, or they can be damaged both can be addressed with Lanolin Cream and/or a cool compress.

As important as hold is, latch is just as important. An improper latch can cause inflammation in your breast tissue, nipple damage, and an unsatisfied baby. Most of the time baby figures it out but some times things like tongue tie or thrush get in the way. If baby is not feeding well and will not latch there is normally a problem with a fix. Short, long, crooked nipples can be fixed with a shield until they eventually just take the shape they need to be.

Tongue tie, lip tie, etc or an attached frenulum can cause a poor latch and is characterized by a shortened attachment between the teeth and lip or the tongue and mouth. It goes unnoticed at times but can be fixed by a specialist and greatly improves feeding. Thrush sometimes develops on babies tongues when they are ill, a white patch, and causes feeding pain. Thrush can be easily treated by the pediatricians office but often goes unnoticed for a few days.

Staying in tune with changes to babies feedings help figure out whats going on and if there is a simple solution. Breastfeeding is a tough journey, there are plenty of tips and tricks that support each families lifestyle. We want all parents to have the same opportunity to succeed through proper healthcare education.

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